Dorsky Retrospective in the SF Bay Guardian
Posted June 8th, 2012 in Announcements, Events and Screenings, News / Events
Nathaniel Dorsky Three Part Retrospective Begins This Sunday at the PFA in Berkeley
Starting this Sunday, Canyon filmmaker Nathaniel Dorsky will be featured in a three-part retrospective at the Pacific Film Archive in Berkeley. Dorsky was recently featured in the San Francisco Bay Guardian with a great article by Max Goldberg:
“It’s commonly said of Nathaniel Dorsky’s films that they are beautiful beyond words. Which is true as far as it goes, but then the same could be said of many poems and they are words. What’s clear is that Dorsky is absorbed with a classical fulfillment of form, and as such his films do better with poetics than interpretation (he has himself supplied a fine entry point with his slim volume Devotional Cinema). Poetics in this context means respecting the mystery and proceeding gingerly with gesture, metaphor, and detail. No one ever says of a Dorsky film, “I liked it the more I thought about it.” Conversely, watching a second or third time one marvels to find the beauty springing to life with the same force, subtler and lovelier now for this trick of renewal. No one ever says of a sunset, “I’ve seen this one before.”
Read the rest of the article here:
AfterImage: Three Nights with Nathaniel Dorsky
Sunday, June 10, 2012
7:30 p.m. Films of Nathaniel Dorsky: Recent Films
Nathaniel Dorsky (U.S., 2010–12). Nathaniel Dorsky and critic/curator Mark McElhatten in conversation. Dorsky’s unique films can be seen as songs, poems, prayers, or dances, expressing his devotion to the world and to cinema. Tonight we present his most recent film, August and After, as well as The Return and Pastourelle. (62 mins)
Sunday, June 17, 2012
7:30 p.m. Films of Nathaniel Dorsky: The Quartet
Nathaniel Dorsky (U.S., 2008–10). Nathaniel Dorsky in person. Dorsky’s imagery is of the everyday world, both city life and nature. Yet his shots are often mysterious and ambiguous, equally “about” what he sees as how he sees it. Tonight’s screening features the quartet Sarabande, Compline, Aubade, and Winter. (67 mins)
Sunday, June 24, 2012
7:30 p.m. Films of Nathaniel Dorsky: Devotional Songs
Nathaniel Dorsky (U.S., 2002–06). Nathaniel Dorsky in person. Dorsky’s films continually reawaken us to the poetry of visuals, as can be seen in Song and Solitude, Threnody, and The Visitation. (64 mins)
More on the Retrospective here:
And for more information on Dorsky and to rent his films from Canyon…