Federica Foglia
Now Available: Federica Foglia’s Glitter for Girls
Glitter for Girls (Federica Foglia, 2023, 4 minutes, color, sound, digital file or DCP) Glitter for Girls is a handmade tattoo film that utilizes a camera-less direct-on-film animation approach to collage multiple layers of water tattoos (commonly used by children.) Foglia, known for her tactile work on celluloid, this time intervenes on the 16mm polyester base […]
Now Available: Three New Films by Federica Foglia
Canyon Cinema is pleased to announce that exhibition files for three new handmade films by Federica Foglia are now available, including: Negative / Positive Film (2023, 14 minutes, b&w, sound, digital file) Negative / Positive Film is a hand-made, camera-less collage film composed of layers of erotic 16mm films from 1920s, 1940s, and 1970s, intermingled with […]
New Artist Member: Federica Foglia
Canyon Cinema is pleased to welcome the transnational visual artist and writer Federica Foglia to the collection! Federica Foglia is interested in issues of migration, citizenship and identity, displacement, women of the diaspora, migrant temporalities, and finding a visual language to investigate these experiences. Her practice revolves around recycled cinema, amateur filmmaking, imaginary archives. Foglia […]