Sleeping Dogs (Never Lie)
Now Available: 15 New Exhibition Files from Pat O’Neill
Canyon Cinema is excited to announce the acquisition of 15 exhibition files from the West Coast film maestro, Pat O’Neill. This deposit includes recent digital transfers of avant-garde classics such as Water and Power (1989), Trouble in the Image (1996), and 7362 (1967), among others, as well as two video works that are new to […]
6/29/15 Canyon Cinema Salon, Betwixt and Between with Kate McCabe
Please join Canyon Cinema on the evening of June 29th, 2015 at New Nothing Cinema for the next installment of our 2015 Salon series. This month, we’re pleased to welcome independent filmmaker Kate McCabe who will premiere her new film “You and I Remain”, a lovely apocalyptic lullaby about the Anthropocene, alongside films from the Canyon collection that have greatly […]