Pop-Up Events and Screenings
Special Events
Wednesday, December 4th | Opening night Reception and Screening | 6:00 – 9:00 pm
6:30 & 8:00 pm | Line Describing a Cone (Anthony McCall, 1973, 16mm)
6:45 & 8:20 pm | Three by Cornell: Cotillion, Children’s Party, Midnight Party (Joseph Cornell & Lawrence Jordan, 1940s, 16mm)
7:05 pm | Triage (Michael Snow, Carl Brown, Sound Composition: John Kamevaar, 2 x 16mm)
Saturday, December 7th | 5:00 pm
Critical Mass
live performance with Emile O’Hara and Nick Huff
by Kerry Tribe
Film Screenings
Saturday, December 14 | 5:00 pm
Clowns, Japes, Jokes and other Funny Business from Canyon Cinema
Avant-garde film is commonly dismissed as humorless & boring. Tonight’s screening is a remedy for this misconception, a selection of “comedy” presented by Jeff Lambert, producer of the National Film Preservation Foundation’s Treasures IV: American Avant-Garde Film, 1947-1986. Post-screening discussion with Jonathan Marlow, Fandor.
Clown (1991, 13 minutes) by Luther Price, Super8
Siamese Twin Pinheads (1972, 6 minutes) by Curt McDowell, 16mm
The Off Handed Jape (1967, 9 minutes) by Robert Nelson and William T. Wiley, 16mm
On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in Wit and its Relation to the Unconscious, or Can the Avant-Garde Artist be Wholed
(1979, 18 minutes) by Owen Land, 16mm
Black and White Trypps #4 (2008, 11 minutes) by Ben Russell, 16mm
Wednesday, December 18 | 7:00 pm
Exception to the Rule
“Exception to the Rule” presents a rare array of films produced in the past 60 years that were assembled from the Canyon Collection. Each film, in its own distinct way, insists on challenging expectations of narrative, form and content. Though each could be seen as representative of a specific moment in the trajectory of avant-garde film history, each investigates its own boundaries of how and why we as viewers experience film art. Presented by Janis Crystal Lipzin and Denah Johnston with post-screening discussion.
Arapadaptor (I Feel So) (2003, 5 minutes) by Anna Geyer, 16mm
Peyote Queen (1965, 8 miuntes) by Storm De Hirsch, 16mm
Man & Woman & Animal (1973, 10 minutes) by Valie Export, 16mm
Her Glacial Speed (2001, 4 minutes) by Eve Heller, 16mm
Waterfall (1967, 3 minutes) by Chick Strand, 16mm
Das Neue Monster (2001, 8 minutes) by Kate McCabe, 16mm
Hurry! Hurry! (1957, 3 minutes) by Marie Menken, 16mm
Miss Jesus Fries on Grill (1973, 12 minutes) by Dorothy Wiley, 16mm
Poma Granata (2005, 9 minutes) by Alexis Bravos, 16mm
Solidarity (1973, 11 minutes) by Joyce Wieland, 16mm
Deutschland Spiegel (1980, 12 minutes) by Sharon Couzin, 16mm