Room List

Rental Format(s): 16mm film

ROOM LIST is a "tour" of a room and the objects in it. The narrator tells you about his personal belongings, their origins and uses, and the systems of organization governing their placement. The film draws attention to details, demonstrating how one person structures his living space on functional as well as sentimental grounds.

"... a short yet very good autobiographical film; its value extending beyond the academic domain. The revealing honesty achieved in the work is particularly striking. This self-examination is realized via a novel filmic structure, devised to survey the contents of his room on an item by item basis. The obsessive materialism is effectively shoved out of the room on the screen and into the laps of the audience, forcing a response. Unconsciously, yet inherently, the film is a more definitely American statement than Apocalypse Now." - Louis Hock

"Who's film was that?" - Francis Ford Coppola

Rental Fees

16mm film $59.00  

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