Images of Broken Face

Rental Format(s): 16mm film

Sound by Crank Sturgeon, Michael McKay, Colin Barton, Mark Anulli and James McKay.

"Images of Broken Face" is the intertwining of three films; an experimental film, a social/political satire, and a narrative. The narrative section, featuring artist James McKay, flows through layers of distortion creating a collaged landscape of image and sound bites. The social/political satire, "Lobster and Cow", reflects the current social gender rolls of boys and girls. Appearing first, is a structural piece, five frames of 35mm film shoot horizontally creating one 16mm film frame, the circles, cut-outs, and hexagons are from the 35mm piece reprocessed onto 16mm for Re-photography.

Rental Fees

16mm film $35.00  

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