The Journey Into Darkness Series

Rental Format(s): 16mm film

The series includes the following eight films, plus the "bonus" work Fragment of A Lost Film, for the special series price of $250.00 (see individual title listings for complete descriptions, or to rent individually):

1. The Adventure Parade (2000) 16mm, silent
2. Orbit (2006) 16mm, sound
3. Out of the Ether (2003) 16mm, sound
4. Awake, But Dreaming (2000) 16mm, sound
5. Hallowed (2002) 16mm, sound
6. Secure the Shadow...'Ere the Substance Fade (1997) 16mm, sound
7. Retrospectroscope (1997) 16mm, silent
8. Conquered (2000) 16mm, sound

BONUS Fragment of A Lost Film (1991-1994) 16mm, silent

Total Running Time: 56 minutes

Rental Fees

16mm film $250.00  

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