New on 16mm: Alan Berliner’s The Family Album

Posted May 3rd, 2010 in New Acquisitions, New Films, News / Events


The Family Album by Alan Berliner (16mm, 1986)

“exerts a cumulative a considerable behavioral fascination.”
— J. Hoberman, Village Voice

“…a moving and universal celebration, a family album that provokes a warm shock of recognition.”
— Howard Aaron, Northwest Film and Video Center

“…the disjunction between soundtrack and image curiously heightens the reality and surreality of the home movie as a private dream.
— John Hanhardt, Whitney Museum of American Art.

… Most of not all of the adults in the films are surely dead by now, forgotten, often almost unknown, yet visible in a flickering facsimile of life, waving and speaking to us from beyond this life in a kind of anonymous immortality.”
— Ted Mahar, Oregonian, July 4, 1987

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