News & Events

  1. Street_ASongForSomeReason_3

    Now Available: Ten Digital Files from Mark Street

    Canyon Cinema is pleased to announce that ten new digital files from longtime artist member Mark Street, encompassing work completed since 2019, are now available. “For many years Mark Street has been making small, observational films of the details and energies of public spaces in urban settings. City blocks, parking spaces, and storefronts (and the […]

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  2. Behrens_Colors_1

    Canyon Summer Break: July 4-12, 2024

    Canyon Cinema will be closed for a brief summer break beginning Thursday, July 4th. We will re-open for business on Monday, July 15th. In the meantime, please email all booking requests and questions to Please note: New bookings with a screening date between July 4-21 need to be received by Friday, June 28th at […]

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  3. CCF_ARollForPeter_1

    Now Available: A Roll for Peter

    A Roll for Peter (multiple filmmakers, 2016, 56 minutes, b&w, silent, 16mm, digital file, or DCP) A collective film by: Dominic Angerame, Roddy Bogawa, Cassandra Bull, Jacob Burckhardt, Jesse Cain, David Gatten, Richard Max Gavrich, George Griffin, Eve Heller, Mott Hupfel, Nikolas Jaeger, Amanda Katz & Josh Lewis, Theodore Rex King, Robbie Land, rebecca (marks) leopold, […]

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  4. Jordan_SolarII3

    Announcing the Lawrence Jordan Digital Collection

    Canyon Cinema is pleased to announce the acquisition of 43 digital files by founding co-op member Lawrence Jordan. Included within this major new deposit – spanning eight decades of work – are many new digitizations as well as three recently completed films, available in both 16mm and digital formats: Hommage, Fairytale, and Reve d’Or. Canyon’s […]

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  5. Hills_SocialSkills_1

    Now Available: Henry Hills’s Social Skills

    Social Skills (2021, 12 minutes, color, sound, digital file) SOCIAL SKILLS is a composition in which a large international group of improvising dancers share a viable vision of a cooperative and imaginative future based on mutual support and spontaneous creation. Here is an environment of touch without threat, closeness without conflict, and individual expression within […]

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  6. Nishikawa_Tomonari_Light-Noise-Smoke-and-Light-Noise-Smoke_01-Tomonari-Nishikawa

    Now Available: Tomonari Nishikawa’s Light, Noise, Smoke, and Light, Noise, Smoke

    Light, Noise, Smoke and Light, Noise, Smoke (2023, 6 min, color, sound, 16mm or digital file) The visual shows the alternation of the shots of fireworks filmed at a summer festival in Japan, producing a distinctive yet organic rhythm, as well as a gap in time between the visual and sound, both of which are […]

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  7. Samarasinghe_LotusEyedGirl_2

    Now Available: Rajee Samarasinghe’s Lotus-Eyed Girl

    Lotus-Eyed Girl (2023, 6 minutes, color, sound, digital file or DCP) Loosely based on the erotic poem “Caurapañcasika” by Bilhana, which was written in prison upon discovery of the poet’s clandestine affair with Princess Yaminipurnatilaka. The verses were written while awaiting judgment, not knowing if he was to be executed or exiled — his fate […]

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  8. Chung_TruePlaces_2

    Now Available: Gloria Chung’s True Places and Ommatidia

    True Places (2022, 6.5 minutes, color, sound, digital file) Places that exist at the border(s) of memory and physical terrain. Ommatidia (2022, 7 minutes, color, sound, digital file) Each compound eye of a large dragonfly is composed of up to 30,000 ommatidia. Each ommatidium collects visual information through photoreceptors, and together the thousands of ommatidia […]

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  9. Sherwin_UnderTheFreeway_1

    Now Available: New Digital Files from Guy Sherwin

    Canyon Cinema is pleased to announce that two landscape films from Guy Sherwin are now available for rent in digital formats: Under the Freeway (1995, 16 minutes, color, sound, 16mm or digital file) Street-life at a busy intersection beneath a freeway in San Francisco. An urban landscape film with an underlying formal structure. Connemara (1980, […]

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  10. Hiler_StoneHouse3

    Now Available: New Digital Files and Prints from Jerome Hiler

    Canyon Cinema is pleased to announce that new digital files and 4K DCPs of Jerome Hiler‘s films are now available for rent. Revised 16mm versions of New Shores (1971-87) and In the Stone House (2012) are also now available from Canyon. In addition, from May 9–16, 2024, the Museum of Modern Art in New York […]

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  11. Merritt_Asiam_2

    Canyon Cinema presents Toney W. Merritt: As I Am, May 16 & 18, 2024

    Toney W. Merritt: As I Am Thursday, May 16, 6:30pm & Saturday, May 18, 3:40pmThe Roxie Theater, San Francisco Toney W. Merritt in person!Q&A to follow both screenings Program & Ticket Info: The Bay Area–based independent filmmaker Toney W. Merritt has been creating work for over 50 years. His unique corpus of personal films and […]

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  12. Angerame_SFAI_1

    Now Available: 13 New Films from Dominic Angerame

    Canyon Cinema is pleased to announce that 13 new films by Dominic Angerame are now available for rent. This group of films, all completed in 2024, spans many decades of filmmaking and diverse subjects; from a visual study of the beloved San Francisco Art Institute building, to a portrait of the Korean Demilitarized Zone filmed […]

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  13. Heller_SingingInOblivion_1

    Now Available: Eve Heller’s Singing in Oblivion

    Singing in Oblivion (2021, 13 minutes, b&w, sound, 35mm) “A magnificent visual and musical poem, simultaneously timeless and in delicate synchronicity with our devastated present.” — Nicole Brenez “Films that uncompromisingly deal in (and with) death necessarily seem to have fallen out of time, like the dead themselves. Singing in Oblivion takes this idea as its point […]

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  14. primitivastill6-Azucena-Losana

    Now Available: Azucena Losana’s Primitiva

    Primitiva (2023, 5 minutes, color, sound, digital file) From the “light bugs” series, this is the portrait of Doña Vivi, maker and alchemist of the original light that is offered to the souls that come to visit every year. This is her home and ceremonial beeswax candle factory, in Teotitlán, Oaxaca, Mexico.

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  15. Lipzin_SMIHM_3

    Now Available: 18 Digital Files from Janis Crystal Lipzin

    Canyon Cinema is delighted to announce the acquisition of 18 exhibition files from longtime artist member Janis Crystal Lipzin. Spanning six decades of work, this deposit includes recent digital transfers of Lipzin’s 16mm films of the 1970s and 1980s, new digital copies of videos from the 2000s, as well as several born-digital works that are […]

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  16. Tijana-Portrait

    Introducing the Print Generations Cohort!

    Inspired by the 16mm Centenary (1923-2023), Print Generations is a new Canyon Cinema commissioning project that will support the production of four new 16mm films by the following cohort of Bay Area filmmakers! Celina Jade de Leon is an interdisciplinary artist and filmmaker from the Bay Area. She embraces feminine irreverence through multimedia depictions of mischievous characters. She has a […]

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  17. Smith_Gargantuan_1

    Now Available: 7 New Exhibition Files from John Smith

    Canyon Cinema is excited to announce the acquisition of 7 exhibition files from longtime member John Smith. This deposit includes recent digitizations of 16mm experimental film classics such as The Girl Chewing Gum (1976), The Black Tower (1987), and Associations (1975), among others. John Smith was born in Walthamstow, London in 1952. He studied at North-East London Polytechnic and the Royal […]

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  18. Dorsky_ODeath_1

    Now Available: Nathaniel Dorsky’s O Death

    O Death (Nathaniel Dorsky, 2023, 5 minutes, color, silent, 16mm, 18fps) In the spirit of the times and my own growing older, a brief tip of the hat… – N.D.

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  19. Baldwin_StolenMovie_2

    Now Available: Craig Baldwin’s Stolen Movie

    Stolen Movie (Craig Baldwin, 1976, 9 minutes, color, sound, digital file) Armed with S8 camera and sound-person (John Corser), Baldwin runs both recording devices continuously through single-take raids on a series of SF Market St. grindhouse theaters. Rushing past box offices and through front lobbies, he captures the chance scenes and sounds on screen at […]

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  20. Becker_1

    New Artist Member: Tommy Becker

    Canyon Cinema is pleased to welcome San Francisco-based artist Tommy Becker to the collection! Tommy Becker attended the San Francisco Art Institute before receiving an MFA in Film/Video/Performance from the California College of Arts. In 2001, he began his work on “Tape Number One,” a never-ending mix tape that acts as a depository for his […]

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  21. Olson_1

    New Artist Member: Jenni Olson

    Canyon Cinema is thrilled to welcome Jenni Olson to the collection! Jenni Olson is a queer film historian and archivist, writer, and non-fiction filmmaker based in Berkeley, California. Her two feature-length essay films — The Joy of Life (2005) and The Royal Road (2015) — premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and, like her many short films, have screened internationally […]

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Spotlight on Mark LaPore

Five Bad Elements, The
Five Bad Elements, The by Mark LaPore

Five Bad Elements, The

NEW PRINT from Academy Film Archive - 2014!

A filmic Pandora's Box full of my version of "trouble" (death,... More »

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