Owen Land (aka George Landow) Obituary in the Guardian

Posted August 29th, 2011 in Announcements, News / Events

The Life of Canyon Cinema Member Owen Land in This Week’s Guardian

The Guardian published a great article on Canyon Cinema member/filmmaker Owen Land, who sadly passed on earlier this summer:

“A question that one should never ask an experimental film-maker is: “What is your film about?” George Landow, who has died unexpectedly aged 67, would probably have responded: “It’s about eight minutes.” Along with many other “structural” American film directors in the 1960s and 1970s, Landow – who changed his name to the semi-anagram Owen Land in 1977 – rejected linear narrative, giving primacy to the shape and essence of film. “I didn’t want to make films that were narrative. I found the whole traditional narrative approach was really non-visual,” he commented.”

Read the rest of Ronald Bergan’s excellent article on the Guardian’s website here.

For more information on Land and to rent his films…