Call for Elections for Canyon Cinema Board Members
Posted March 1st, 2012 in Announcements, News / Events
[Download a PDF of this announcement here]
February 23, 2012
Greetings members of Canyon Cinema.
The time has come to elect new Board members. There are five seats on the Board, with three seats open for election this year.
Any active member of Canyon Cinema may run for election to the Board of Directors. If you wish to run for the Board, please email a 50 -100 word statement for the annual letter sent to the members. This
statement should briefly introduce you and state your qualifications and intentions for assisting Canyon Cinema, and be received by March 5th during business hours. It should be sent to
Canyon Cinema holds its board meetings online via Skype so board members can be anywhere as long as they have an Internet connection, headset and microphone. Meetings are conducted regularly at a time that is convenient for all current members of the board.
To be eligible to participate in the election (voting or running for the board) you must be an active member. Active members are those who are current on their membership fees. If you have any questions regarding your membership status, please contact Dominic.
The current members of the Board and the staff of Canyon wish to stress that anyone who intends to run for the Board of Directors understands the importance of the commitment to assisting Canyon. At
this point, all decisions and actions are critical to Canyon’s survival. Board members who do not pro-actively engage in Canyon’s activities, and/or miss more than 3 meetings, may be released from their Directorship with a majority vote by the current Board of Directors.
Deadline for receipt of the 50 -100 word position statement is Monday, March 5th. Ballots, along with the yearly letter will be e-mailed around March 15th.
This year’s annual meeting of the membership will take place on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 6:30pm
at the new Canyon Cinema office:
1777 Yosemite (off of 3rd Street), SF, 94124
At this meeting the results of the election will be tabulated.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Dominic Angerame
Canyon Cinema Board of Directors:
Maïa Cybelle Carpenter
Nathaniel Dorsky
Denah Johnston
Dana Plays
David Sherman