Peter Rose Installation Opens Saturday, September 8

Posted September 5th, 2012 in Announcements, Events and Screenings, News / Events

“The Indeserian Tablets” by Peter Rose Opens Saturday

“The Indeserian Tablets,” a two-channel video installation by Peter Rose, opens at the Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, Pa. for a run from Sept. 8th to Dec. 30th.  The work uses transfaluminal strategies to offer an annotated, nocturnal portrait of a vanished culture- its stories, scripture, technology, art, and religious practice.

For a trailer please go to and for a single channel version that fuses text and image please see

For further info:

Peter Rose has been producing wide-ranging, thought-provoking works since the late 1960s. Both formally inventive and mischievously articulate, these propose raptures of vision and riddles of language that position his work as entirely unique within the contemporary American avant-garde.

For more information on Peter Rose and to rent his films from Canyon…