Now Available: Mekong and Kolkata by Mark LaPore
Posted January 15th, 2015 in Announcements, New Acquisitions, New Films, News / Events
Two new prints of Mark LaPore’s ethnographic work are now available!
Kolkata (2005 | 35 minutes | B&W | SOUND)
A portrait of North Kolkata (Calcutta), this film searches the streets for the ebb and flow of humanity and reflects the changing landscape of a city at once medieval and modern. -Mark Toscano
For more information and to rent this title, click here!
Mekong (2002 | 10 minutes | B&W | SILENT)
Shared intimacy mingles with unabashed voyeurism in a distilled, complex rumination on the pleasures and problems of gazing. Mark LaPore had intended to create a soundtrack for this film, but never did. However, it was initially shown and circulated as a silent work, so it was decided to release MEKONG into regular distribution as-is. – Mark Toscano
For more information and to rent this title, click here!