Now available: Josephine Massarella’s Light Study

Posted May 23rd, 2016 in Announcements, New Acquisitions, New Films

Canyon is pleased to announce this latest addition to Massarella’s films in distribution – beautifully photographed on 16mm and available for distribution in high definition digital formats.

Josephine Massarella | 2013 | 12.5 minutes | COLOR/B&W | STEREO
Rental Format(s): Digital File (Quicktime ProRes 1920×1080)
Sale Format(s): Blu-Ray Disc



Light Study is a poetic examination of the wetlands, forests, and ecosystems of the Niagara Escarpment World Biosphere. Filmed entirely in single frames over a three year period, it explores the unique landscape of the Bruce Trail in 16mm with techniques such as flicker, pixillation and time-lapse photography. Here, nature presides over an ephemeral human element, its primordial essence both medium and agent of light’s eternal change. Soundtrack composed by Graham Stewart, member of the experimental music collective Viosac.

For more information about renting or purchasing this title, see the catalog listing here