Now available: Tartarughe d’Acqua by Rose Lowder
Posted September 23rd, 2018 in New Acquisitions, New Films, News / Events
Tartarughe d’Acqua, Rose Lowder’s study of a turtle colony in a small pond in Italy, is now available for rental.
Tartarughe d’Acqua (2016 | 24.5 minutes | COLOR | SILENT)
The town of Asti, Piemonte, in Italy, has in its park a very small pond in which there are a great number of turtles, a species « Trachemys scripta » and « Trachemys scripta elegans » protected by the Movimento Nationale U.N.A. Onlus Uorno-Natura-Animali.
In spite of the very limited space in the pond, a spirit of well-being prevails, all is calm while each turtle tries to find its place even if it means falling into the water every now and then.