Now available: Three recent films by Saul Levine
Posted February 12th, 2020 in New Acquisitions, New Films, News / Events
A legend of small gauge filmmaking, Saul Levine‘s practice includes film, video, live performance, collage and installation. Included in the Museum of Modern Art’s 1998 exhibition Big As Life: An American History of 8mm Films, Levine’s work is noted for its incorporation of splice marks, percussive editing, “unconstrained camera movements and spontaneous formal accidents.”
– Steve Anker

Note to Tetsua (2018 | 1 minutes | B&W | SILENT)
Moon flight
loud silence
soft dark
hard light
a Ray o gram
made with a camera
out of sight

Light Lick: Love Stain (2018 | 4 minutes | COLOR | SILENT)
light licks
love stains

Entry Note (2018 | 3 minutes | B&W | SILENT)
A small apocalypse
on the threshold of disaster