Now Available: New Digital Files from Naomi Uman
Posted May 18th, 2021 in Announcements, New Acquisitions, New Digital Files, News / Events
Canyon Cinema is thrilled to announce that a number of assiduous, handcrafted films by Naomi Uman are now available to rent or license as digital files. The scanning and post-production work is courtesy of Seattle’s Lightpress, and was supported by an Interbay Cinema Society Lightpress Grant, awarded to Uman in January 2021. This suite of new transfers joins a dazzling new digitization of Uman’s Removed, which was recently added to the collection.

Hand Eye Coordination (2002, 10 minutes, color, sound)
The film tells the story of its own making.

Private Movie (2000, 6 minutes, b&w, sound)
This love story in three parts recounts the amorous journeys of one woman, in love with places, pets, men and nostalgia.

Leche (1998, 30 minutes, b&w, sound)
Made with the most rudimentary tools of filmmaking Leche is a black and white film which examines details of the lives of a rural Mexican family. The film was hand-processed in buckets to dry on the clothesline.
In Spanish and English.