Now Available: Greta Snider’s Prayer for the Torture Memos
Posted May 11th, 2022 in Announcements, New Acquisitions, New Digital Files, News / Events
Now available from Canyon Cinema: Greta Snider‘s Prayer for the Torture Memos, which takes on the mountain of text and verbiage that controls the US policy on legal torture, allowing us to confront the materiality of pages, words, text, and resolve these abstractions into the concrete realm of people, in image and sound.

Prayer for the Torture Memos (2015, 8 minutes, color, sound, digital file)
How do words, especially the carefully constructed parlance of legal arguments, contain all of the complexity of a single unique physical body, let alone the infinite possibilities of identity and relationship? Prayer for the Torture Memos explores the delicate, particular significance of the human body, poetics as a means to articulate emotions impossible to speak, and the loss that accompanies moral compromise.