New Acquisition: Three Exhibition Files from Al Wong
Posted August 19th, 2022 in Announcements, New Acquisitions, New Digital Files, News / Events
Canyon Cinema is excited to announce the return of three additional films by Al Wong to the catalog! Included in this acquisition are new exhibition files for 24 Frames Per Second (1977), Discount House (1971), and 69 cents a pound (1969). More Al Wong titles coming soon – stay tuned for details!

24 Frames Per Second (1977, 14 minutes, color, sound, digital file)
I first started by taking black 16mm film leader and held a magnifying glass above the film. I then used the sunlight to burn each frame in the film leader. At the same time that I was burning the film leader, I was also filming the process of burning each frame. After developing the film, I then physically burned each frame with a soldiering iron in the exact same area that it was burned by the sunlight.The result was that when projected, one would see the filming of the burn at the same time one sees a single frame action of the physical burning of the film, followed by other concepts dealing with 24 frames. 24 frames makes one second and this gives the illusion of smoothness. However, because each frame was burned, it gives an animated impression together with the smoothness of 24 frames.

Discount House (1971, 21 minutes, color, sound, digital file)
This film depicts a man in search of a relationship. However, after experiencing a number of situations, he realizes that the true relationship is with his self.

69 cents a pound (1969, 12 minutes, b&w, sound, digital file)
Developing a new friend sometimes comes with discovering surprises. In this film, I experience when a personality changes so quickly that it appears to be two personalities.