Now Available: Four New Films from Nathaniel Dorsky
Posted June 21st, 2023 in Announcements, New Acquisitions, New Films, News / Events
Now available from Canyon Cinema: Four new 16mm films by Nathaniel Dorsky made over the past year, including:

Place d’Or (2023, 10 minutes, color, silent, 16mm, 18fps)
A rainy autumn afternoon at North Lake in Golden Gate Park. Perhaps the “Square of Gold” is also the screen itself. – N.D.

Dialogues (2022, 17.5 minutes, color, silent, 16mm, 18fps)
The ever-presence of death. – N.D.

Caracole (for Mac) (2022, 7 minutes, color, silent, 16mm, 18fps)
Mac McGinnes, a dear friend and neighbor, often sat in with me during my editing sessions. This brief but light-filled farewell was made for Mac upon his passing. – N.D.

Naos (2022, 12 minutes, color, silent, 16mm, 18fps)
A Naos is the inner room of an ancient Greek temple in which the image of the deity celebrated by that temple is depicted (usually in the form of a statue of that deity). Jacob, a young filmmaker, offered to help me with some shooting and became the center of the film itself. – N.D.