New on DVD: Cinema of the Body: Element, MUSEic of the Body, Light of the Body, Wildfire, Tides, Videotape for a Woman and a Man by Amy Greenfield
Posted April 29th, 2010 in New Acquisitions, New DVDs, News / Events
Please note this title is not for sale for home purchase/use, only institutional purchase.
“To convey more effectively the experience of movement Greenfield has often performed or performed with, nude dancers. Without costumes the play of muscle and tendon, the shifting weight and the effects of the force of the body not only become clear, but for Greenfield the body acquires a transparency, a sense not only of what lies beneath the skin but beyond it . . . basic dreams of both the individual and collective existence which lie hidden within most people . . . but which can be uncovered and expressed through a performance of belief and ordeal in the crisis-like, yet suspended process of making cinema.”
– The Museum of Modern Art, Cineprobe Program notes by Robert Haller.