Dream 733

Rental Format(s): 16mm film

A mechanical dream is told in a series of elaborate tableaux. Machines, interiors, objects, re-composed pop imagery, fashion models, wrestlers and sleeping figures flash out of darkness to be seen and momentarily observed.

"An animated fantasy film that employs a simultaneous use of photo-collage animation, cell animation and multiple exposures all done in-camera. Although the imagery hints at the presence of a sci-fi narrative, DREAM 733 is best approached as a collection of carefully assembled collage fragments of a surreal future that flash momentarily into view before they flicker, change and vanish."
- Filmmakers' Newsletter

"A precise science-fiction collage of technological iconography. These cluttered tableaux ultimately suggest a chilling view of the future."
- Walker Art Center

Awards: Ann Arbor Film Festival; Sinking Creek Film & Video Festival; NY Filmmakers' Exposition.

Rental Fees

16mm film $52.00  

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