Home Stories
- Matthias Muller |
- 1991 |
- 6 minutes |
Rental Format(s): 16mm film / Digital File
sound/music: Dirk Schaefer
"Framed by a tense, complex soundtrack of found sounds and musical snippets from those same postwar melodramas, the imagetrack gradually builds up a claustrophobic sensation of paranoid anxiety in these women's actions. The film incorporates clips already pregnant with quiet hysteria, but their decontextualiztion and carefully edited repetition extenuate their excess as moments of cinema. Home Stories rises to a climax of collective hysteria as the women hurry down hallways and anxiously shut doors behind them. Ominously, the source of their apparent terror remains nowhere to be seen. While Home Stories undoubtedly elaborates a shrewd ideological critique of gender construction and the home, it moreover draws much poetic and affective power from the cinematic excess embedded in these narratively insignificant moments from popular cinema."
- Roger Hallas: Reframing Bodies - AIDS, Bearing Witness, and the Queer Moving Image. Durham/NC 2009
Awards: Best German Short Film of 1990 / Preis der Deutschen Filmkritik; Millor Montatge, Badalona Film Festival, 1991; Audience Awards, ave Arnheim and Filmtage Wilhelmshaven, 1991; Prix de la Récherche, Festival du Court-Métrage, Clermont-Ferrand, 1992; Honorable Mention, San Francisco International Film Festival, 1992; Honorable Mention, Festival International du Jeune Cinéma, Montréal, 1992; Targa fedic, Mostra Internazionale di Montecatini Terme, 1992; 2nd Prize, Odense International Film Festival, 1993