Hideout, The

Rental Format(s): 16mm film

Not long after taking a faculty position at the University of Utah, I was asked to produce another film on prison. This film is a cinema verite portrait of the Utah State Prison. In a sense, I wanted to pick up from ON THEIR HONOR with the theme of recidivism - the revolving prison door. On the surface, the film documents the bureaucratic process in which the inmates find themselves caught. Within the rigidity of the system are the prisoners - real people trapped in their own ambivalence toward freedom and security. THE HIDEOUT shows men who repeat crimes and call prison home. Is this place a deterrent or sanctuary? Newsday magazine says: "May jar your preconceptions about prison."

Awards: Merit Award, Athens Int'l Film Festival. Nominated for a Rocky Mountain Emmy Award.

Exhibition: USA Film Festival, 1983; Mill Valley Film Festival, 1981; Margaret Mead Film Festival, 1982; American Museum of Natural History, NY; KUTV (NBC affiliate); WNET (PBS), NY, 1983.

Rental Fees

16mm film $325.00  

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