What's Out Tonight is Lost

Rental Format(s): 16mm film, 18 fps

The film began in response to an evaporating relationship, but gradually seeped outward to anticipate other imminent disappearing acts: youth, family, friends, time .... I wanted the tonal shifts of the film's surface to act as a barometer of the changes in the emotional weather. Navigating the school bus in the fog, the lighthouse in disrepair ....

"Adopting its title from a poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay, WHAT'S OUT TONIGHT IS LOST is an elegaic film sifting through the unrecoverable. The film is a reflecting pool where vision breaks up. The home we recognize is swallowed in the brume, the light barely penetrates; and
the yellow school bus steals us away, delivering us into new clouds, embracing fear. The film has a surface of cracked porcelain and intaglio: the allergic childhood skin of cracks and bruises. This is a film of transubstantiations, the discorporation of human forms into embers. Air looms and blossoms into solidity and nearness .... I hear it breathing ...."
- Mark MacElhatten

Rental Fees

16mm film, 18 fps $35.00  

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