Keeping Things Whole

Rental Format(s): 16mm film

The search after truth (or what appears to be truth) can be an adventure. Within this film, the adventure takes the form of interviews that attempt to discover the physical and moral make-up of a young man who has just been drafted into the army. It is the time of the Vietnam War. The form of the film is complex, weaving together a narrative about a fictional character seen in the film through photographs, and documentary material of people who discuss the character, believing he and his situation are real.

"From the several films I have seen (particularly SOLSTICE and THE TERRIBLE MOTHER), Walter Ungerer comes across to me as an extraordinarily gifted, enigmatic, individual film-artist, with a final visual compositional sense, a mature intellectual literary component, a sure control of his medium, and an uncanny knack of investing the most ordinary setting and circumstances with a more than natural reality in the service of saying something subtle but important about human life." - Edgar Daniels, Filmmakers Newsletter

Rental Fees

16mm film $264.00  

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