Journey, The - Reel 6

Rental Format(s): 16mm film

Mavis of the LEWIS group describes process of growing sense of helplessness on the local level once it was realized that the Stornoway base was going ahead, no matter what people felt. Three TV extracts (Antenne 2 of France, JHN of Japan showing a clip from the Iraqi TV, and ZDF from Germany) all re Iraq war. Track into VIKANS home. Ragnveig fearful re impact of TV's fast cutting images. Pan over earth-moving equipment on runway at Stornoway airport. LEWIS group incl. Sam Maynard describe how authorities treated them like naughty little children. Continue walk along tracks towards gates at Bangor. Alexander KOLOSOV tells why they do not have a sense of helplessness in the USSR - feeling protected by their armed forces. But Alexander admits this has been at a great cost to the country. White Train flashes through White Fish, Montana ....

Rental Fees

16mm film $188.00  

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