
Rental Format(s): 16mm film

Part 3 of Trilogy. Dedicated to Phil Solomon.

"Whilst part of what we perceive comes through our senses from the object before us, another part (and it may be the larger part) always comes out of our own mind." - William James, The Principles of Psychology

This is a hand-painted double-step-printed film (i.e., each frame repeated once) which begins with some ephemeral forms and pale tones reminiscent of the "blues" of frothing ocean breakers, the dun "yellows" of the beach, and a complexity of fleeting inter-mixed various other colors and lines suggestive of a variety of vegetable and animal life such as might appear within a sea scape.

The black lines gradually become hieroglyphic and then thicken (whenever they appear) across the length of the film - becoming more and more globular in their vertical inter-weave with increasingly brilliant and then darkened colors. Sometimes there is a beseeming thicket of multiply colored shapes, sometimes a complexity more akin to animal cellular internal systems, and then, again, pale washes of tone remindful of the film's beginning.

Finally the vertically moving globs and coils of glyph begin to thin, break up into broken lines interspersed with pointillistic imagery and horizontal washes of tone, punctuated by beseeming rock-hard (usually centered) shapes like brilliantly colored, but battered, flecks of form. Then the "washes" are interrupted by spaces of pure white which come, finally, to a whitened end.

Rental Fees

16mm film $115.00  

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