
Rental Format(s): 16mm film

A 16mm poem- re-photography of 16mm projection, re-photography of digital video/video projection.

Producers: Elizabeth Block and Evri Kwong
Director/Writer: Elizabeth Block
Cinematographer: Elizabeth Block
Editor: Elizabeth Block
Composer: Warren Burt

I find William Faulkner's novel, Light in August, which I haven't read since my dreaded high school years. I re-interpret the novel into a dyslexic language poem, and I fiddle with the idea of un-translation (an un-adaptation) into film. Falling for celluloid in a digital era has left me feeling somewhat out of order. I am unhinged by an awareness that film is not entirely fossil, yet is increasingly eclipsed by its son, bit stream. I romance Bolex landscape and abstract cinematography and black and white re-photography of color film projection, traditional photochemical process, and photogram film. Yet I also re-photograph digital re-cinematography of projected 16 mm film. At first glance, a viewer may not be able to distinguish between fiber optic re-photography and pure chemical light emulsion. I deliberately edit the film to punctuate different light properties, yet blur the distinction between pure celluloid and celluloid tainted with digital video projection. Even as digital video succeeds at replacing celluloid, I am interested in dyslexifying and displacing the digital video projection from its historical development after celluloid, as its own dis-evolution of technology. Featuring a digital sound composition by Melbourne, Australia based, Warren Burt.

Rental Fees

16mm film $35.00  

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