Awful Backlash, The

Rental Format(s): 16mm film

Made by Robert Nelson and William Allan

"In their starkly minimal film, The Awful Backlash, directors Robert Nelson and William Allan, focus solely on a pair of hands as they begin to unravel what appears to be a tangled fishing line. Any further evidence of the title's confusing "awfulness" " other than the literal disentanglement of the line remains, however, tentative, left as it were, literally, at a loose end. The viewer knows nothing of the incident that led to this backlash or entanglement; nor of the directors' initial motive for the title indeed not of any other attempt at blending an additional storyline beyond what is seen. There is, perhaps, one link with a reverse reaction -- a sense of gradual recovery taking place, as the thread unfolds from a position of multiplicity back to a singular line." (Pamela Kember, Rethinking Refunctioning, "Awful Backlash" catalogue, May 2000)

Rental Fees

16mm film $60.00  

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