Twilight Psalm IV: Valley of the Shadow

Rental Format(s): Digital File

The last completed work by Solomon could serve as a coda to In Memoriam, though it is in fact the only digital chapter in his Twilight Psalms series. Each of the Twilight Psalms were named after and partially inspired by a Rod Serling Twilight Zone episode. Here the corresponding Twilight Zone episode Valley of the Shadow takes its title from the 23rd Psalm and concerns a normally unreachable small town, peaceably governed by extraterrestrials, discovered by a man chasing after his dog. The unknown territory in this Twilight Zone story is land of concealed miracles, a kind of "Brigadoon" of secret earthly hope and lost love sacrificed. Though this story resonated deeply for him, Solomon offers no elements directly from the namesake episode. Rather he speaks through the appropriation of nocturnal landscapes, the reappearance of his talismanic lighthouse and a soliloquy from John Huston's filmic mediation on James Joyce.
(Mark McElhatten)

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Digital File $55.00  

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