Lay Down Tracks

Rental Format(s): 16mm film

Following five American travelers, this film journeys though the shifting surroundings of a retired carnival worker, young woman trucker, railroad executive, chimney sweep/surfer, and a nun/riverboat pilot. Each reflects on their work and the worlds they traverse, the fleeting and familiar elements of a life in motion, and the delicate contract between desire and necessity.

co-directed with Danielle Lombardi

Production format: 16mm

Selected Screenings
MassArt Film Society, MA
Amherst College, MA
62nd Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, NY
DokuFest, Prizren, Kosovo
Bradford International Film Festival, UK
ATA, San Francisco, CA
Los Angeles Filmforum, CA
Bradford International Film Festival, UK
International Film Festival Rotterdam, The Netherlands
"RE-GENERATION" Smack Mellon Gallery, NY
TIE (The International Exposition), Denver, CO
Chicago Underground Film Festival, Chicago, IL
PDX, Portland, OR
New York Underground Film Festival, NY, NY

Rental Fees

16mm film $250.00  

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