El Día Que Me Quieras (The Day You'll Love Me)

Rental Format(s): Digital File / Digital File - DCP
Sale Format(s): DVD

A non-narrative film investigating death and the power of photography, El Día Que Me Quieras is a meditation on the last pictures taken of Ernesto Che Guevara, as he lay dead on a table surrounded by his captors, in Bolivia in 1967.

Not a political documentary in the traditional sense, the film alternates between evocation and straight reportage, centering on an interview with the Bolivian photographer Freddy Alborta. Suffused with a sense of mystery, El Día Que Me Quieras is about our assimilation of history.

Cinematography: Mark Daniels
Sound: Rob Taz
Music: David Darling

Production format: 16mm

Selected Awards:
Coral Prize - Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de La Habana, Cuba
Best Documentary - Festival Internacional de Cine de Valdivia, Chile
Special Mention - San Juan CineFestival, Puerto Rico, USA
Honorable Mention - International Short Film Festival, Iran
2000 Award of Merit in Film, Latin American Studies

High resolution digital scan, 2024

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Rental Fees

Digital File $120.00  
Digital File - DCP $120.00  

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Sale Prices

  Individual Institution
DVD n/a $250.00

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