Golden Positions,The

Rental Format(s): 16mm film / Digital File

"A lovely, poetic, humorous and crystal investigation of mankind standing, sitting and lying down." - John Wasserman, San Francisco Chronicle

"James Broughton adroitly blends anatomical tableaus and pantomime, simulating everything from sexual harmony to plain everyday desk slump. The cast parades around in jaybird comfort. The picture is funny and ever so wise." - Howard Thompson, The New York Times

"A superb control of the cinema medium with a visual richness and an elegance approached by no other film viewed by the judges." - Bruce Conner, Maurice Girodias, Arthur Knight, First Erotic Film Festival

"THE GOLDEN POSITIONS is a rich, warm, clear statement of humanism. There is no angst, no fragmentation, no overt experimentation. It stands apart from most of the films of the past two decades by its feeling of certainty, positiveness, and completeness. And, most importantly, THE GOLDEN POSITIONS gives us a deep and restful pleasure in the viewing." - Sheldon Renan

Awards: Grand Prize, Bellevue Film Festival, 1970; First Prize, First Int'l Erotic Film Festival, 1970.

Rental Fees

16mm film $128.00  
Digital File $128.00  

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