Cold War Blues or Effects of the Bomb Varied, But...

Rental Format(s): Digital File

A playful cut-out animation focusing on the Cold War. With special guest appearances by Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer, Mao Zedong, Nikita Khrushchev, John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, and many others.

Produced, Directed, Photographed, and Edited by Albert Gabriel Nigrin

Animation by Albert Gabriel Nigrin, Sonia O'Leary, Gabrielle Stander, and Kevin Zygler

Sound Design by Victory Furniture

Funding and services provided in part by the New Jersey Media Arts Center, Rutgers University, and Eastman Kodak

Special thanks to Gabriel and Lili Dolly Nigrin, Michel Aubry, Stan Van Der Beek, Terry Gilliam, Victory Furniture, and Irene Fizer.

Production format: Shot on Super 8 Tri-X B+W film and manipulated digitally

Rental Fees

Digital File $35.00  

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