Por dentro somos color (On the inside we are color)

In Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, Oaxaca, the women's organization Poj Kaa maintains a community herbarium. Foraging for plants is a way to share knowledge with grandmothers, midwives, healers and shamans. In Teotitlán del Valle the Ruiz family makes their own journey in search of colors, which they find inside plants and insects that are used to dye the wool with which they weave rugs. Both practices involve exploring the territory, recognizing it, naming it and relating to everything in it.

Language: Zapotec and Ayuujk
Subtitles: English and Spanish

Production format: 16mm

Coproduced by: Elena Pardo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and Laboratorio Experimental de Cine

Directed, photographed and edited by: Elena Pardo
Production in Santa María Tlahuitoltepec: Isabel Rojas, Lilia Heber Pérez
Production in Teotitlán del Valle: Beto Ruiz, Margarita Martínez
Research assistant: Antonia Alarcón
Music, sound design and sound mix: Luis Chino Ortega
Additional field recording: Nahú Rodríguez
Color correction: Isis Puentes

Lilia Heber Pérez / Ayuujk
Beto Ruíz / Zapotec

Cast: Lidia Díaz Vásquez, Lilia Heber Pérez Díaz, María Esther Vázquez Martínez, Juana Vázquez Hernández, Beatriz González Martínez, Beto Ruiz, Margarita Martínez, Isabel Rojas, Elvia García Méndez

Selected Screenings:
FICUNAM festival (Mexico), Valdivia Film Festival (Chile), Bogoshorts (Colombia), other non festival screenings in different towns around Mexico