Atmos Fear

Rental Format(s): 16mm film

"An extraordinary film, which powerfully evokes the feeling of the city, but more important, a film of fine graphic design." - Lenny Lipton

"Things to watch for include: the way DeWitt thinks inside his camera, the use of single-frame techniques to enhance certain images, the lens-integrity in zoom and focusing effects (he borrowed Vanderbeek's equipment to make this film), and the moderate use of solarization (re-exposed/negative print) and multiple exposure. There is a lot to be learned from ATMOS FEAR." - David Buehler

Awards: Zellerbach Award for Film as Art, 1966; SF Int'l Film Festival; First Prize, Independent Filmmakers Competition, 1971.

Broadcast nationally on the Camera Three program, 1971.

Rental Fees

16mm film $35.00  

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