Leland Auslender featured at 2010 Other Venice Film Festival
Posted October 26th, 2010 in Events and Screenings, News / Events
Auslender’s Film Honored at 2010 Other Venice Film Festival and in the News
Leland Auslender’s film, Venice Beach in the Sixties – A Celebration of Creativity, was recently screened to filmmakers at the opening night of the 2010 Other Venice Film Festival. The film received a Remi Gold Medal at the WorldFest-Houston 2008 International Film Festival.
Auslender describes the film: “From 1960 to 1964, I lived in Venice Beach, California, then known as Venice, Slum by the Sea. It was also the heart of the mushrooming beat and hippie cultures, and I filmed many of its free- spirited, flamboyant inhabitants. Today, 43 years later, I have edited this 16-mm footage into a 15-minute documentary titled “Venice Beach in the Sixties-A Celebration of Creativity.” It includes sculptors Ron Boise and Taki, poet John Haag, Big Daddy, a hippie Halloween costume party; an un-costume party with erotic dancers wearing only body-paint; and a virgin encounter with LSD, a life-enhancing experience that influenced my films and photographs by unveiling the mystical universe.”
An article about Auslender’s films and photographs, which appeared on the back cover of the October 14 Venice-Santa Monica-Marina-del-Rey Argonaut, may be viewed here.
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