“Bruce Baillie’s Songs of Everything” in Pistol Mice Magazine

Posted January 20th, 2011 in Announcements, News / Events

Castro Street, 1966, Bruce Baillie

Bruce Baillie’s Songs of Everything

In the recent issue of independent literary magazine Pistol Mice, Chuck Stephens describes the work of Canyon Cinema founder Bruce Baillie:

“Mass for the Dakota Sioux, Valentin de las Sier­ras, Quixote, Quick Billy—Baillie’s films from the media-saturated polit­i­cal caul­dron that was the 1960s are madeleine West­erns sprung from the mind of a pey­ote Proust; mythopo­etic road movies from which Den­nis Hopper’s Easy Rider and The Last Movie would soon there­after learn to walk the walk. Folk song-simple and kalei­do­scop­i­cally synaes­thetic, these are films with which every cineaste ought be inti­mate, though few since the 60s have ever had the chance.”

Read the rest of the article on the Pistol Mice website here.

For more information on Baillie and to rent his films…