50th Anniversary Event: An Intimate Evening with Bruce Baillie
Posted September 23rd, 2011 in Announcements, Events and Screenings, News / Events
Photo from www.brucebaillie.com
An Intimate Evening with Bruce Baillie
Saturday, October 1
Ninth Street Independent Film Center
145 Ninth Street, San Francisco, CA
Please join us for a screening of a newly preserved work print of the HOLY SCROLLS Reel I as well as rare, never before seen “oddments from the Archives plus Roslyn Romance”–BB
$7 general; $5 students and seniors
More Information on Canyon Cinema’s 50th Anniversary Screenings:
August – December 2011
Screenings and events are hosted at Ninth Street Cinema with a generous grant from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Additional programs include:
August 26, 7pm: New Films from Canyon Cinema
October 1, 7pm: An Intimate Evening with Bruce Baillie
October 28, 7pm: Women in Avant Garde Film
November 18, 7pm: Hand-painted Films of Stan Brakhage
December 16, 7pm: Salute to George Kuchar