New on 35mm: Two films from Scott Stark
Posted September 25th, 2012 in Announcements, New Acquisitions, New Films, News / Events
One Way to Find Out (2012, color/sound, 35mm film, 5 mins.)
Hand-printed sections from 35mm movie trailers create a chaotic and densely layered retelling of Hollywood form. Loosely about desire, fear of coupling, and the consequences of moving forward, with results both catastrophic and ecstatic.
Traces (2012, 35mm film, color/sound, 7 mins.)
Worldly surfaces, shifting shadows and overlooked patterns: a series of short 35mm films generated from digital still images and printed onto movie film. The top and bottom half of each image alternate in the projector gate, and the images are arranged in a dizzying array of rhythms and patterns. The images also bleed onto the optical soundtrack area of the film, generating their own unexpected sounds.
Winner: Ann Arbor Film Festival, Best animated film (2012)
For more information about Stark and to rent his films…