12/15/2014 Canyon Cinema Salon, Nathaniel Dorsky on Stan Brakhage
Posted December 3rd, 2014 in Announcements, Canyon Cinema Salon, Events and Screenings, News / Events
Please join Canyon Cinema on the evening of December 15th, 2014 at New Nothing Cinema for the final installment of our Fall 2014 Salon series. This month, filmmaker Nathaniel Dorsky will present a program of 16mm films from the Canyon Cinema catalog made by Stan Brakhage. Dorksy writes:
I would like to show two films from Canyon’s collection by Stan Brakhage. In the period preceding Stan’s becoming predominantly a maker of hand painted films he was also making a variety of ventures into the realm of sound filmmaking. The two films I have chosen are to me great masterworks from this time of great change and exploration. They are examples of Stan’s photographed filmmaking at its most manifest. His camera begins to sing, to speak, to tell us things, to tell us stories, to investigate, to reveal both the observed world and the more personal world of mind and light. They are great visual articulations.
We will screen Visions in Meditation Part 2: Mesa Verde (1989, 17 minutes), followed by Visions in Meditation Part 3: Plato’s Cave (1990, 18 minutes). Both films will be shown as silent films. Then we will have a discussion and conclude the evening with a second screening with sound of Visions in Mediation Part 3: Plato’s Cave which was intended as a sound film. Some discussion will follow.
The Canyon Cinema Salon Series is a FREE event hosted at New Nothing Cinema (located at 16 Sherman St, off Folsom between 6th and 7th in SOMA). Doors open at 7pm, screening at 7:30pm.
The Program:
Visions in Meditation Part 2: Mesa Verde | Stan Brakhage | 1989 | 17 minutes | color | silent | 16mm
Visions in Meditation Part 3: Plato’s Cave | Stan Brakhage | 1990 | 18 minutes | color | sound | 16mm
For full program notes see the official page HERE.