Now Available on DVD: Recent and new works by Dana Plays
Posted April 27th, 2015 in Announcements, New Acquisitions, New DVDs, News / Events
5 works by Dana Plays are now available to purchase on DVD from Canyon Cinema!
Zero Hour (1992 | 30 minutes | B&W | SOUND)
Through optical printing footage from a 1945 US Navy sponsored film promoting victory Bonds which depicts WWII orphans and intercutting of other documentation, Zero Hour refers to characteristic of current postwar situations, alluding to the avoidance of this depiction by media networks during the Gulf War.
For more information and to purchase this title, click here!
Grain Graphics (1978 | 6 minutes | COLOR | SOUND)
“Another entirely structural film is Grain Graphrbs, which begins with two frames of a film strip, on above the other, occupying the middle of the screen, flanked by two vertical filmstrips with smaller frames. ln grainy negative, a small number of figures interact in various ways in each of the frames. Gradually, as if the camera were drawing away, this pattern grows smaller and its units increase conespondingly in number, until at the end there appear to be hundreds of rectangles, all with figures busy in motion.” – Edgar Daniels, Filmmakers’ Monthly
For more information and to purchase this title, click here!
Exquisit Corpses (2010 | 10 minutes | COLOR/B&W | SOUND)
Exquisit Corpses is a formal study that alludes to the decay of cinema and the advancing of digital film through a series of devolving images from the history of photography, and early motion picture technology.
Dana Plays uses random chance operations of the exquisite corpse, by creating vertical triptychs, and mixed frame combinations, of stacked motion picture footage of Muybridge’s horse in motion, Edison early toys with her own footage shot with a 16mm camera of the subway train arriving at the station, and animal locomotion study she shot in high speed digital cinematography.
For more information and to purchase this title, click here!
Dana Plays Volume V: Pop Up (2015 | 18 minutes | COLOR/B&W | SOUND)
This edition features a seriee of short formal studies that werc included at the Kadist Art Foundation Canyon Pop-up Exhibition in December 2013. Titles include:
- Agitprop (4 minutes, 2013, color, sound 16mm to HD Optical Printing)
- Passage (2 minutes 10 Seconds, HD original, 2013)
- Aquifer (3 minutes 59 Seconds, DV original, 2011)
- Clones (4 minutes 22 seconds, color / sound, 16mm to digital 2015)
- Arriving Departing (3 minutes 36 seconds, B&W, silent HD original, 2009)
For more information and to purchase this title, click here!
Rhizome (2008 | 14 minutes | COLOR | SOUND)
A continuation of Dana Plays’ Salvage Paradigm series compounding detritus of history and
memory derived from found-footage salvaged from 1,600 educational films, thrown into a
dumpster by Syracuse University after its downsizing effort closed the S.U. Educational Film
Library. Plays optically re-photographs archival footage segments that she extracts with a focus
on war documentation, science experiments, motion picture and optical inventions and other
subjects throughout the history of the twentieth century as a mash of the cultural remains of past
times, since the advent of the motion picture technology.
For more information and to purchase this title, click here!