1/20/18 // Reinscriptions for Line Describing a Cone
Posted January 13th, 2018 in Co-Presentations, Events and Screenings, News / Events
Reinscriptions for Line Describing a Cone
Saturday, January 20th, 2018 // 3:00pm
Kanbar Forum — Exploratorium // Pier 15, San Francisco
Facebook Event
Edition #2 of Prepared Projection Performances by Gibson + Recoder. For information about the first edition, La Région Decentrale, click here.
Part of a series of works collectively referred to as solid light films, Anthony McCall’s Line Describing a Cone sees the fog-thickened beam of a 16mm projector transformed into a three-dimensional moving sculpture. As the beam is viewed from various vantage points within the space it transforms, shifts, and demands attentive observation. In this Prepared Projection Performance from artists Sandra Gibson + Luis Recoder, a reprojection and reframing of McCall’s work will be explored through projecting two prints of Line Describing a Cone in a cinematic experiment.
Line Describing A Cone by Anthony McCall (1973, 30 min, B&W)
Canyon Cinema is thankful for the long term support of the George Lucas Family Foundation. Dedicated project funding for Canyon Cinema 50 has been generously provided by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, Owsley Brown III Foundation, Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation and The Fleishhacker Foundation.