Now touring: new prints of work by Saul Levine and Christopher Harris
Posted April 23rd, 2018 in Announcements, Canyon Cinema 50, New Acquisitions, News / Events
New prints of Light Lick: Amen and 28.IV.81 (Bedouin Spark) are now circulating for our Canyon Cinema 50 film tour. Both are available as a part of Studies in Natural Magic, a selection of films made between 1973 and 2017.
For complete information on the tour, including how to book, click here. For a list of confirmed tour dates, click here.
Light Lick: Amen (2017 | 5 minutes | COLOR | SILENT)
A stark portrait of my father at daily morning prayers to which I respond, AMEN.
Light Licks are a series of films I began in 1999. The films are made frame by frame, often by flooding the camera with enough light to spill beyond the gate into the frame left unexposed. Light Licks are ecstatic flicker films inspired by jazz and mystic visionary practice, and extend my interest in the ways film can be a medium of visual improvisation.
28.IV.81 (Bedouin Spark) (2009 | 3 minutes | COLOR | SILENT)
“Approximates a small child’s fantasy world in the dark. In a series of close-ups, the nightlight is transformed into a meditative star-spangled sky. An improvisation, edited inside the camera and shot on a single reel. The stars swirl in silence.”
28.IV.81 (Bedouin Spark) “…display[s] a concern with textures of light as well as the capacity of the human imagination to will celestial entities out of the relatively impoverished materials at hand. (Call them The Potted Plant of Life.) 28.IV.81 (Bedouin Spark) (2009) is a lovely miniature edited in-camera, in which Harris manipulates light around a child’s mobile so that a hanging nightlight with plastic silver stars becomes a glinting ersatz sky.”
-Michael Sicinski, Cinema Scope Magazine