Now available: three exhibition files from Jason Halprin
Posted February 20th, 2020 in New Acquisitions, New DVDs, News / Events
Jason Halprin is media artist and teacher working in film & video, and is currently based in Oakland, CA. He is a Professor in the Cinema Department at City College of San Francisco, and was previously a member of the faculty at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Colgate University, and Columbia College Chicago, teaching classes in cinematography, sound recording/design, editing, narrative filmmaking, experimental film & video production, photo theory, studio art, and film history & criticism. Originally from Southern Colorado, he received a BFA in Film Studies (2001) and a BA in History (2001) from the University of Colorado, and earned an MFA in Film Production (2004) from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His work explores how geography, both observed and constructed, manifests in the moving image.

In Which there Appears Trains, a Carousel, and Rain (2016 | 10 minutes | COLOR | SOUND)
Collage as pastiche, as modality, as fluidity, as rhyme. Looking back, taking stock, growing up, moving on, keeping it in your back pocket.

July 8th, 2016 (2016 | 4 minutes | COLOR | SILENT)
Alton Sterling. Philando Castile. 5 police officers in Dallas. The Civil Rights Movement isn’t a part of history. It is a fight that is happening now. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY & HUMAN DIGNITY. Which side are you on?

Imperfect Video (2013 | 20 minutes | COLOR | SOUND)
Like many people in the USA and elsewhere, I remained fixed on my television screen during the events of Sept 11th, 2001. After hours of watching non-stop coverage of the tragedy, I decided to record what I couldn’t process. Years later, I began to work with my recordings as a way of remembrance and reflection, both personal and societal. My result is a meditation on the broadcast coverage of 9/11, the spectacle of tragedy, and the simulation of history. Formal interventions and artificial replay enhance the already disrupted structure of TV journalism, as emotion overwhelms the distance of analysis.