Azucena Losana
Azucena Losana (b. Mexico City, 1977), lives and works in Mexico City and Buenos Aires. Losana attended the Multimedia Arts Degree at the National Arts University in Argentina, the Diploma of Audiovisual Preservation and Restoration (DIPRA) by the Film Archive and the National Image of Argentina (CINAIN), and Claudio Caldini's experimental film workshop.
Losana's work in experimental film, installation, and video has been presented at the Mar del Plata International Film Festival, BAFICI, (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periferico, La Coruña, España, Kurzfilmtage in Oberhausen Germany, Los Angeles Filmforum's film series Ism, Ism, Ism: Experimental Cinema in Latin America, The Age d'Or Festival in Brussels, VIDEOEX in Zurich, Curta8 in Curitiba Brazil, PAF animation festival in Olomuc, Czech Republic, MEXPARIS MENTAL in France, the International Experimental Film Festival of Moscow MIEFF, the Week of the Experimental Film of La Plata - Argentina, UNCIPAR, among others.
Awards and honors include Third Prize of Arts and New Technologies from the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires and Telefonica (2009), an exchange scholarship from the University of Sao Paulo / UNA (2015), a mention in the National Hall of Arts in Argentina (2016), and in 2017, a Creation Grant from the Nacional Arts Fund in Argentina and an Art Creators National System Program (SNCA) grant from the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA) in Mexico. In 2021, Losana was a Professional Development Fellow of the Flaherty Film Seminar and received the Grant for Independent Audiovisual Training from The Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE).