Now Available: New Films by Dominic Angerame
Posted August 12th, 2022 in Announcements, New Acquisitions, New Digital Files, News / Events
Now available from Canyon Cinema: Two new films by Dominic Angerame!

Luminae (2022, 4 minutes, b&w, sound, digital file)
For years I had been shooting with an iris attached to my lens creating a circle. The sun seemed to be a natural progression of the circle, especially its revolutions. The film is an accession into the heavens. Leaving the grittiness of the streets of construction and destruction behind this film was magically created from the soul of my spirit. The music was also magic that it glides the imagery into its many manifestations. This film is definitely the result of the magic of cinema capturing a spirit of space that would make George Melies cry in wonder.

Khorosho (2022, 3.5 minutes, b&w, sound, digital file)
In June 1999 dear friends Agneta Falk and Jack Hirschman were married at Matt Gonzales’ place in the Mission. I was there with my 16mm Bolex and filmed part of the ceremony and crowd. After almost 30 years I finally made this footage into a finished film. It features many of our dear friends both living and deceased.