Now Available: Two Digital Files from Sergio Bátiz
Posted November 14th, 2022 in Announcements, New Acquisitions, New Digital Files, News / Events
Now available from Canyon Cinema: Two new digital files from Sergio Bátiz!

Chicago (2003, 3.5 minutes, color, sound, digital file)
The idea of discovering and documenting a new city and new country where I moved to live coming from Mexico with my film camera using a stop-motion or time-lapse film animation photographic technique.

Mission San Juan (2010, 34 minutes, color, sound, digital file)
This small town San Juan Bautista, CA, in the San Benito County, was the place of the Spanish Franciscan congregation settlement (1797) who built a church and a convent (in California are called mission), ranks among the most important historical events of the state. However, the town is mostly remembered for being the location of a Hollywood-produced film by Alfred Hitchcock called – Vertigo. San Juan Bautista in Super 8mm is both a visual investigation of the reality of the location (there was no tower on the church) juxtaposed to the fictional reality of mass media entertainment, and a documentation with the humble “small” film format. It is a film about Spanish heritage and culture lost and the modification or extinction of tradition in a series of regional events that took place and are now socially adapted.