Now Available: Kerry Laitala’s Fire Fly EYE
Posted October 20th, 2023 in Announcements, New Acquisitions, New Digital Files, News / Events
Fire Fly EYE (2020, 7 minutes, color, sound, digital file)
“Fire Fly EYE is my response to the devastating re-making of the world brought on by anthropogenic climate change and corporate ‘stewardship’ of our natural resources. A ritual of reclamation in the face of overwhelming destruction, invoked through filming discarded consumer products, sifting spectacle out of catastrophe.” (KL)
Documentation of 16mm dual-projection expanded cinema work, hand-processed, Ektachrome and b&w film.
“a hot-orange missive from a planet ablaze… Laitala employs the factory-made detritus of the industrial world – light bulbs, bubble wrap, and wisps of artificial smoke – to signify the hot wave of inexorable doom.” – Michael Sicinski, Cinema-Scope